Friday, December 30, 2011

10 Tips to Better Your Jetpack Joyride Score

I was surfing the web, and I found something that caught my eyes. I didn't write the ten tips. It was written by Dan Ryckert and I found it on Here are the 10 tips that were written on the site.

1. Turn the music off. Jetpack Joyride is a manic, stressful game on its own. The fast-paced soundtrack can be distracting as well as annoying if you’re going to be playing for a while. Plus, turning the music off will give you a better sense of when spin tokens and lasers are coming up thanks to their sound effects.

2. Consider purchasing coins. I know purchasing in-game currency probably sounds like heresy to many gamers, but this is one instance in which I think it’s justified. Stocking up on enough coins to purchase Quick Revives and Final Blasts will take you forever otherwise, and you can purchase the game along with 250,000 coins for less than it would cost you to get a combo meal at McDonald’s. For a game with as much replay value as this, I’d say it’s a perfectly fair asking price. Once you’ve received your coin bonus, use your newfound wealth to stock up on Head Starts, Final Blasts, and Quick Revives. Buy the vehicle magnets as well, but avoid cosmetic purchases like new costumes, jetpacks, or gold vehicles.

3. Use Head Starts every time. While those first 750 meters aren’t difficult, they eat up time. Blasting through the easy beginning portions of a run will save you a ton of time, and a five-pack of Head Starts is only 3,000 coins. While boosting, you can raise and lower your jetpack with taps to try to collect coins as you go.

4. Only use Quick Revives if you have a real chance of beating your score. With a score over 6,000 meters, I only consider using one if I’m past 4,000 meters. Considering how expensive they are, you can’t be using them each time you’re halfway to your high score. Make sure you have at least one on you at all times so you’re prepared once you’re having that awesome run.

5. If you’re within a few hundred meters of your high score, use a Final Blast. It seems that these blasts typically send Barry another 300 meters or so, so they can make the difference if you bite the dust a little shy of your previous best. Like the Quick Revives, make sure you have one on you at all times.

6. Go out of your way to get Spin Tokens and vehicles, but don’t kill yourself in the process. A lucky Spin Token can make all the difference if a Second Chance or Atom Blast pops up when you’re within striking distance of your high score. When you see these, make a point of collecting them. However, don’t drastically change your course if it means you’re at risk of getting hit by a laser or missile. You can get a little more daring when going for vehicles, because you’ll deactivate nearby obstacles if you get close enough to collect one.

7. Use tiny taps when using the Bad As Hog. It’s a ground-based vehicle, so the only threats you’ll encounter are low lasers and missiles. Instead of flinging yourself high in the air only to find yourself landing on a laser, jump just high enough to clear the obstacle. They’ll come fast, so keep your tap lengths short.

8. Focus on missions. None of them are crazy-difficult, and you’ll rake in the coins as you advance through the levels. Most are objectives that you’ll get without even meaning to (have X number of near misses, travel X distance in total, etc), but you’ll have to go a little out of your way for others (finish between 500 and 550 meters, high-five 15 scientists in one game, etc). Don’t waste Head Starts on mission runs, as the early portion of a run is the easiest time to brush past lights, high-five scientists, or rub your head against the roof of the level.

9. Tap in the upper-left portion of the screen. Not only is this a fairly out-of-the-way location, but it covers the score. If you’re playing the game a lot, you know how stressful it can get as you approach your personal best. This can help keep your mind off your distance while simultaneously keeping your finger out of the way.

10. Make fun of Ben Hanson if you beat his score. Seriously, it eats at this guy’s soul. After beating his score of 4,639 on Saturday, he genuinely informed me that I had “ruined his weekend.” So be sure to let him know on his profile, his Twitter account, or via email if you happen to top his mediocre best. 

*Back to the writer of this blog* I beat his high score, with a distance of 5228 meters. 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Frostval: Song of the Frozen Heart

Part 2 of the Frostval event has been released. There were 2 new areas, /alpine and /icevolcano. The story starts when a deadly snow falls and turns the people of Lore into ice zombies. Blizzy takes you on quests to find the Flame of Frostval. He takes you back in time to when Gravelyn was still a child, and had never experienced a Frostval. You go to the Alpine Forest and do some quests. She returns to the fortress to show her father, Sepulchure, what she had done. Sepulchure turns her away. Frustrated, she goes back to another room and finds that its filled with Undead Frostval stuff. Chuckles rolls out and she finds that he set this up for her. Her father allows this. The Flame of Frostval is found. Blizzy takes you back to the present. In the next release, You find Chilly, Blizzy's son, who tripped and fell when the ice zombies came. You go to the ice volcano, which resembles the volcano in Arcangrove. You find that Dead Morice is responsible for this. His ice venom cant infect the moglins, so he freezes them in ice. Once you finish Chilly's quests, you battle Morice. Once you defeat Dead Morice, he falls apart. You hold up the Flame of Frostval and melt the ice venom. The scene goes back th the village of Frostvale, where everybody is exchanging gifts and celebrating. Empress Gravelyn has a cameo appearance in this cutscene; she is looking at a picture of her father and herself on the night of Frostval where you and Blizzy traveled in time to. Gravelyn looks up and talks to her father. The scene switches back to the village of Frostvale. Blizzy asks you if you wonder what Empress Gravelyn is doing. You say that she is probably celebrating in her own way, with her undead.

 Here are some Christmas song variations that my friends told me:

1. Crashing through the snow
    On a pair of broken skis
    Over the hills we go
    Crashing through the trees
    The snow is turning red
    I think I'm almost dead
    Oh all I want for Christmas is a hospital and bed! (Tune of Jingle Bells "Dashing through
    the Snow")

2. Jingle Bells
    Stalin Smells
    Hitler is a jerk!
    Mussolini bit his weenie
    Oh this doesn't work! (Tune of Jingle Bells Theme)

3. Derp, Derp, Derping all the way! (On AQ Worlds Design Notes)

4. Oh the weather outside is delightful
    but my fiery is frightful (Tune of "Let it Snow," said by Xan in DragonFable

Dead Morice

Ice Zombie


Gravelyn and Sepulchure on Frostval

Happy Frostval!!!

For additional information, go to the AQ Worlds Design Notes at

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Horc Chaos Lord

Since there was already a Troll Chaos Lord, why can't there be a Horc Chaos Lord? Drakath gives him a Chaotic Axe that is really powerful. He is still in Bloodtusk Ravine, but he should be a new Horc. His Chaos Beast is a giant volcano creature. You battle him in the volcano as well. Once you defeat the Chaos Lord, he charges at you, you trip him, and he falls down the mountain. When he wakes up, he is chained to a giant crossbow and is shot into oblivion. One thing about AQ Worlds is outside Bloodtusk Ravine is that Horcs are portrayed as cold-blooded, brutal barbarians, but in Bloodtusk Ravine, it completely contradicts that.

Note: I also posted this on the BattleOn Forums, and every thing I wrote here is fan fiction.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Dark DragonLords

I was thinking, and I thought it would be cool if there was a 1000 year long war between Doomknights and Dark DragonLords. The Doomknights won, with Sepulchure as their leader. The war ended when Sepulchure killed the leader of the Dark Dragonlords. The Doomknights had the Shadowscythe Empire, and the Dark DragonLords had themselves. It was 500 Doomknights and their undead army against 10000 Dark DragonLords and their dragons. The Doomknights won, and the few surviving Dark Dragonlords went into exile. During the reign of Drakath, the Dark DragonLords find a new leader named Thanatos (Death in Ancient Greek) who was trained as a Dark DragonLord as a child. As he grew, he found Nulgath and made a deal with him. Nulgath crafted him a Sword and the Evolved Dark DragonLord Armor, which Nulgath gave resistance to Chaorruption. Dark Dragonlords and their dragons use dark energy, but are not undead, and have nothing to do with undead. They don't have an army like Sepulchure does. As Thanatos was assembling his army of Dark DragonLords, Drakath Chaorrupted almost half of is Dark DragonLords. Knowing that he and his Dark Dragonlords can't defeat Gravelyn and her undead army or survive the attacks from Drakath, he makes a deal with her and joined the Shadowscythe Empire. Thanatos, the Head of the Dark DragonLords will be in Shadowfall and have some quests you have to complete in order to unlock the shop, which contains the Dark DragonLord class and some other epic gear. The final quest will to defeat Thanatos and DoomFang, his dragon ,who looks like the Red Dragon in DragonFable, except DoomFang has a black base, a gray trim, and glowing red eyes. The Evolved Dark DragonLord Armor is like the Evolved DragonLord Armor with a black base and red trim. The normal Dark DragonLord Armor is the armor my character in AQ Worlds is wearing right now.

Dark DragonLord Skill Set

Auto Attack: A basic attack, taught to all adventurers. (Rank 1)

Summon Dragon: Summons a dark dragon that aids you in battle and is there for the duration of the battle. It is not a battle pet, it just provides some extra damage equal to yours. (20 Mana) (Rank 1)

Dark Blade: Deals moderate damage and applies a DoT that stacks up to 10X and lasts 20 sec. (15 Mana) (Rank 2)

Soul Siphon: Deals moderate damage and returns some HP based on the amount of damage done. Also applies a HoT that lasts the whole battle. (30 Mana) (Rank 3)

(Dark Strength and Dark Dexterity are Passive Abilities)

Dark Strength: Increases damage and crit chance by 15% (Rank 4)

Dark Dexterity: Increases evasion and endurance by 15% (Rank 4)

Grow: Grows your dark dragon to its full size and strength, increasing its damage by 500% for the duration of the battle. (35 Mana) (Rank 5)

Draconic Apocalypse: Each ability you use has a 10% chance of using Draconic Apocalypse instead of the ability you were trying to use. Draconic Apocalypse causes you and your dark dragon to fuse and deal a MINIMUM of 5000 damage WITHOUT CRITS FOR THE DURATION OF THE BATTLE.

Note: I also posted this on the BattleOn Forums, and every thing I wrote here is fan fiction.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


The new Frostval of 2011 has come out!!! There is a great storyline in which an old enemy returns. He is Maximilian Lionfang. The story begins when snowmen kidnap Blizzy, a frost moglin, is kidnapped by snowmen. Once you finish Robina's quests, Blizzy comes and leads you to the town of Frostvale. He then takes you to the Ice Caves, then to the Toy Factory, where you discover DragonMaster Frostscythe is the boss. There isn't much story there, because there is one quest and no cut scene involving him. After that, you go to Major Moglin, and when you finish his one quest, you unlock a series of quests, where you have to find the pages of the book T'was the Night Before Frostval. On the first quest, you have to battle the monster Frosty in /snowpath. The nest quest will to be to find Page 2. It is located in the stocking above the fireplace in Yuglar's inn. The third page is right below Valencia on the grownd in /battleontown. The next quest will be to find the fourth page. Page 4 is a drop from Sneevil Toy Makers in /factory. The fifth page is a drop from Santy Claws in /northlightland. Page 6, the final page, is located at the moglins on the top of the Frostval Tree in /battleontown. Next, you watch a cutscene where the Spirit of Frostval arrives and Lionfang captures her in a snowglobe along with all the presents. He then holds them hostage and escapes in the blizzard. Blizzy then takes you to /snowglobe, where a mage named Garaja lives. He thinks that Garaja is the only one who could have made the snowglobe for Lionfang. After you finish all of Blizzy's quests there and defeat Garaja, you  watch a cutscene and Garaja gives you a map to Lionfang's hideout. The map leads you to /goldenruins, where Blizzy gives you some more quests. When you to Lionfang, there is a cutscene where he burns all the gifts. After you complete them and defeat Lionfang, a cutscene comes. You capture him and King Alteon and Gravelyn are waiting for you in Frostvale. Lionfang kicks the snowglobe out of you hand and it shatters on a rock. You and blizzy try to catch it but it's too late. Blizzy cries. A voice tells Blizzy that there is no need for tears during Frostval. They realize it's the spirit. Lionfang is shocked to see that the spirit survived. The spirit says that Frostval is an idea, so it can't be destroyed. The spirit brings back all the presents. Blizzy realizes that there is no way that all the presents can be delivered. You suggest that (Good/Evil) Good... King Alteon's knights can deliver them all. Evil... Gravelyn's undead army can deliver all the presents.
Lionfang (Center) with Spirit (In snow globe)

Alina (Left) and Sprit (Center)

Lionfang Burning Presents
A Part of the Golden Ruins

Happy Frostval!!!

For additional information, go to the AQ Worlds Design Notes at

Saturday, December 10, 2011


This has nothing to do with games, but I just thought it was funny. One day in class, someone farted and it stank up the whole right side of the classroom, and the teacher's desk was on that side. The next day, the same thing happened again. The teacher said "Seriously? This is horrendous! I bet whoever did it could go poo right now! *sniff sniff* Dick, was that you? *teacher reaches into drawer and sprays Febreze at him*. "Go to the other side of the classroom," said the teacher. "But.....," Dick said. The teacher said "No buts! Go now!" Dick moved to the other side. "If that side of the room starts smelling bad again, then I'll know its you," the teacher said, "and if it starts on the other side, then I'll reevaluate. *Back to the writer of this blog* My favorite part was when Dick cowered in his desk when the teacher Febrezed him.

(I don't use air fresheners unless the stink is really bad)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Early Blue Undead Legend

Here is a early version of the Blue Undead Legend. It was a picture of Alina in the armor on the AQ Worlds Design Notes.

Alina in the early version of the Blue Undead Legend

Updated Blue Undead Legend
For additional information, go to the AQ Worlds Design Notes at

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Blue Undead Legend

The second winner of the I Can Has Mod contest, FallenPaladin, has finally made his wish. He wished that there would be a blue version of the Undead Legend armor, called the Blue Undead Legend, that sells for ZERO gold for 1 day. It will go away at 6pm server time today. Also, the 2nd I Can Has Mod Contest has begun. This time the Golden Cheezburger will be called Cysero's Golden Cheezburger. It will still sell for 100 gold and the contest will be to spend 2 hours with Cysero. aKidz, the 1st winner of the I Can Has Mod contest has been given 1,000,000 ACs from the AE team due to his selfless wish that made so many people happy. FallenPaladin has been given the title Ambassador of Evil due to his also selfless wish. He has also been given NPC (Non-Playable Character) while he gives the Blue Undead Legend armor next to Dage the Evil. Members will be able to battle the Bloodtusk Chaos Lord this Friday, and non-members will be able to battle the Bloodtusk Chaos Lord NEXT Friday.

Me in Blue Undead Legend and aKidz the Kid
FallenPaladin in Blue Undead Legend
FallenPaladin with Dage the Evil
For additional information, go to the AQ Worlds Design Notes at

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Origami Yoda and Krellenos

   Has anyone heard of the book called The Strange Case of Origami Yoda? Its a really good book, and it has inspired me to make my own origami Star Wars designs. There is also a sequel, called Darth Paper Strikes Back, which at the end it says "The End, It Is Not." Also, the Bloodtusk Chaos Beast has come out, the Gruaige Baas, also known as the Serpentress. I forgot to mention that the Bloodtusk Chaos Lord is Krellenos. His sister Khassanda later steals his powers and replaces him as the 9th Lord of Chaos. Also, the winners for the I Can Has Mod Contest have been selected, aKidz and FallenPaladin. AKidz's wish was a selfless wish, for a non-member pet based on his hero, the famous outlaw Billy The Kid. All Golden Cheezburgers in the game were turned in to the non-member pet aKidz the Kid. You will not be able to buy another Golden Cheezburger until the next I Can Has Mod Contest starts.

Chaorrupted Khassanda
Chaorrupted Krellenos

Gruaige Baas (Center) and Krellenos (Left)

For additional information, go to the AQ Worlds Design Notes at