Monday, November 21, 2011

Harvest Festival

   On Thanksgiving, there will be THREE NEW ADVENTURES!!!!! The 3rd new adventure will be member only and have something to do with undead. Also, the new quests, items, and updates will be released on Wednesday instead of Friday. On Wednesday night, Oishii will return to BattleOn for the Harvest Festival event. I have never been to a AQ Worlds Harvest Festival event, so I will be just as excited as you are. On Black Friday everything will be 50% off. I don't know if it will be 50% off on in game items, 50% off on real cash purchases (Memberships, AC packages, etc...), or both in game and real money purchases. They will also have shops with black armor, black weapons, and other black items. I believe the Black Friday shop owner is Beleen. If this is true, then there should be pink armor, pink weapons, and other pink items. The winner for the I CAN HAS MOD contest will be announced on Monday, and they will have the winner choose his/her one wish before looking at the wish list.

For additional information, go to the AQ Worlds Design Notes at

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