Tuesday, July 3, 2012

AQ Worlds Character Template

   For those of you who are interested in drawing AQ Worlds style armors/people, here is a blank template for it.

Monday, June 25, 2012

J6 Guide

   I know it's been a while, but I'm here with a guide on how to unlock J6's missions, or H.A.L's quests. To unlock Mission 1 & 2, you must complete Zephyrus. You get there through Chapter 6 in the VR Room. To unlock Missions 3 & 4, you must complete the Moon Yard, but not Moon Yard B. That will also require Datadisk 5, which drops from Horc Noobs in Noobshire.You get there via Chapter 5 in the VR Room. To unlock Mission 5, you must complete the Banzai Planet. You get there through Chapter 4 in the VR Room. You will need Datadisk 4, which can be found under the Frogdrake in the Sewer.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dage the Birthday Boy

   Its Dage's B-Day!!! *Cheer, Cheer, Cheer, Get caught in streamers* He is opening a shop that is selling a ton of awesome gear, including a quest-giving pet called the "Paragon Pet". It is similar to Nulgath's Crag and Bamboozle, where it only gives quests to the owner. There is also a "Essence of the Undead Legend" that costs 1,000,000 gold. It says in the description that "A mysterious item containing the essence of an Undead Legend. No one knows what it is used for… but the outrageous prices hints at something legendary…" I think that it will merge into the Undead Legend armor or it will merge into the rumored Undead Titan. Also, here are some more glitches. For the Battleon glitch, I dont know what happened. I left my PC and AQ Worlds account logged in so I wouldn't lose my quest progress, but when I came back, there it was! The other one was from PvP when lag took over.

Battleon Glitch
PvP Glitch

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Glitches and Other Stuff

   Here are some glitches in AQ Worlds. The "Artix" one occurs when you log in. You might see a flash of something for a fraction of a second, and I caught a screenshot of it. Also, there is a screenshot of me and Jamal S fighting Nulgath.

Log In Glitch (I didn't hack on Artix's acccount)

Me and Jamal S vs Nulgath