Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bloodtusk Chaos Lord

   On Friday, the new Chaos Lord in Bloodtusk Ravine will be released. The design notes say that the Chaos Lord's identity will have you questioning everything you know about the Trolls, Horcs, and loyalty! Also, Quibble, the time traveling monglin that brings back stuff every now and then for you to buy, is coming back on Friday. But remember! There wont be any easy pickings!


   For anyone that plays DragonVale, NOT DRAGONFABLE, a good way to get rich and/or get a blue fire dragon through breeding is to breed a blazing dragon and a snow dragon. In the blazing dragon, one of its elements is fire. In the snow dragon, one of its elements is cold. If you breed the two and don't get a blue fire dragon, then it will either be a blazing or a snow dragon. Each of them sell for 1,000,000 dragoncash, so if you the worst case scenario is you get 1,000,000 dragoncash! I have also heard that you can breed a rainbow dragon by breeding a blazing and crystal dragon. I have tried it, but I have had no success. There is a chart for DragonVale breeding at www.dragonvale.wikia.com/wiki/Breeding.

For additional information, go to the AQ Worlds Design Notes at www.aq.com/gamedesignnotes

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