Wednesday, December 14, 2011


The new Frostval of 2011 has come out!!! There is a great storyline in which an old enemy returns. He is Maximilian Lionfang. The story begins when snowmen kidnap Blizzy, a frost moglin, is kidnapped by snowmen. Once you finish Robina's quests, Blizzy comes and leads you to the town of Frostvale. He then takes you to the Ice Caves, then to the Toy Factory, where you discover DragonMaster Frostscythe is the boss. There isn't much story there, because there is one quest and no cut scene involving him. After that, you go to Major Moglin, and when you finish his one quest, you unlock a series of quests, where you have to find the pages of the book T'was the Night Before Frostval. On the first quest, you have to battle the monster Frosty in /snowpath. The nest quest will to be to find Page 2. It is located in the stocking above the fireplace in Yuglar's inn. The third page is right below Valencia on the grownd in /battleontown. The next quest will be to find the fourth page. Page 4 is a drop from Sneevil Toy Makers in /factory. The fifth page is a drop from Santy Claws in /northlightland. Page 6, the final page, is located at the moglins on the top of the Frostval Tree in /battleontown. Next, you watch a cutscene where the Spirit of Frostval arrives and Lionfang captures her in a snowglobe along with all the presents. He then holds them hostage and escapes in the blizzard. Blizzy then takes you to /snowglobe, where a mage named Garaja lives. He thinks that Garaja is the only one who could have made the snowglobe for Lionfang. After you finish all of Blizzy's quests there and defeat Garaja, you  watch a cutscene and Garaja gives you a map to Lionfang's hideout. The map leads you to /goldenruins, where Blizzy gives you some more quests. When you to Lionfang, there is a cutscene where he burns all the gifts. After you complete them and defeat Lionfang, a cutscene comes. You capture him and King Alteon and Gravelyn are waiting for you in Frostvale. Lionfang kicks the snowglobe out of you hand and it shatters on a rock. You and blizzy try to catch it but it's too late. Blizzy cries. A voice tells Blizzy that there is no need for tears during Frostval. They realize it's the spirit. Lionfang is shocked to see that the spirit survived. The spirit says that Frostval is an idea, so it can't be destroyed. The spirit brings back all the presents. Blizzy realizes that there is no way that all the presents can be delivered. You suggest that (Good/Evil) Good... King Alteon's knights can deliver them all. Evil... Gravelyn's undead army can deliver all the presents.
Lionfang (Center) with Spirit (In snow globe)

Alina (Left) and Sprit (Center)

Lionfang Burning Presents
A Part of the Golden Ruins

Happy Frostval!!!

For additional information, go to the AQ Worlds Design Notes at

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