Saturday, December 10, 2011


This has nothing to do with games, but I just thought it was funny. One day in class, someone farted and it stank up the whole right side of the classroom, and the teacher's desk was on that side. The next day, the same thing happened again. The teacher said "Seriously? This is horrendous! I bet whoever did it could go poo right now! *sniff sniff* Dick, was that you? *teacher reaches into drawer and sprays Febreze at him*. "Go to the other side of the classroom," said the teacher. "But.....," Dick said. The teacher said "No buts! Go now!" Dick moved to the other side. "If that side of the room starts smelling bad again, then I'll know its you," the teacher said, "and if it starts on the other side, then I'll reevaluate. *Back to the writer of this blog* My favorite part was when Dick cowered in his desk when the teacher Febrezed him.

(I don't use air fresheners unless the stink is really bad)

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